Circle Seven Animation was a short-lived division of Disney that worked on computer-generated (CGI) animated movies. Despite its promise to create sequels for Pixar movies, this studio never released a single film before it was shut down. If you’ve never heard of it, don’t worry—this post will explain everything you need to know about Circle Seven Animation and its brief but interesting history.
What Was Circle Seven Animation?
Circle Seven Animation was a small studio created by Disney in 2004. The main purpose of this division was to make sequels to Pixar movies after Disney’s distribution deal with Pixar ended. Pixar and Disney were in a tough situation, so Disney set up Circle Seven to take over the sequels. However, after Disney purchased Pixar in 2006, the studio’s plans were canceled, and Circle Seven Animation was shut down.
The division was based in Glendale, California, and named after Circle Seven Drive, the street where it was located. Even though the studio never released any films, it played an important role in the back-and-forth between Disney and Pixar during their tough negotiations.
The Rise and Fall of Circle Seven Animation: A Brief Overview
Circle Seven Animation started with big dreams of creating sequels to beloved Pixar movies. But, after Disney bought Pixar in 2006, Circle Seven Animation’s work was quickly forgotten. This division, which had been created to be a backup plan, saw its projects canceled almost as soon as Pixar became a part of Disney. The studio worked on scripts and early drafts for sequels like Toy Story 3 and Monsters, Inc. 2, but these movies were never made.
The collapse of Circle Seven Animation happened because of the changing relationship between Pixar and Disney. When Pixar and Disney couldn’t agree on how to share profits from future films, Pixar decided not to renew its contract with Disney. This decision led to Circle Seven Animation’s creation, but it didn’t last long.
How Circle Seven Animation Was Created: A Plan for Pixar Sequels
After Pixar and Disney’s deal ended, Disney needed a way to keep making money from Pixar’s successful films. Circle Seven Animation was born as part of this plan. The studio was created in 2004, and its goal was simple: create sequels to popular Pixar films like Toy Story and Finding Nemo. Disney needed to continue making successful films from Pixar’s characters, so they set up Circle Seven to make sure the sequels happened.
Even though Circle Seven Animation was a backup plan, it didn’t work out as expected. The planned sequels were eventually canceled when Disney and Pixar made peace, and Circle Seven was closed in 2006 after Pixar was bought by Disney.
Circle Seven Animation’s Planned Projects: What Could Have Been
While Circle Seven Animation never got to finish any films, the studio did work on several exciting projects that could have expanded the Pixar universe. Some of the sequels that Circle Seven was working on included Toy Story 3, Monsters, Inc. 2, and Finding Nemo 2.
Toy Story 3 (Circle Seven Version)
Before Pixar’s official Toy Story 3 was made, Circle Seven had its own idea for the movie. The story was planned to be much darker than the final version, with the toys finding themselves in a dangerous situation. The plot for this movie was never fully developed, but it would have been very different from what we eventually saw in 2010.
Monsters, Inc. 2: Lost in Scaradise
Another project that Circle Seven was working on was Monsters, Inc. 2. The storyline for this movie was very different from the Monsters University prequel that Pixar later made. Monsters, Inc. 2 would have been called Lost in Scaradise, and it was planned to follow the characters as they traveled to a new, strange place called “Scaradise.” Sadly, this project never came to be.
Finding Nemo 2
Circle Seven also worked on a sequel to Finding Nemo. This version of Finding Nemo 2 would have followed the characters as they had new underwater adventures. However, this project was also canceled when Pixar decided to make their own Finding Dory years later.The Legacy of Circle Seven Animation: What’s Left Behind?
Although Circle Seven Animation didn’t last long, its short history had a big impact. The studio’s brief existence revealed the tensions between Disney and Pixar during a time of corporate change. The canceled projects remain an interesting “what could have been” in the world of animation.
In the end, Circle Seven Animation’s story is one of potential and lost opportunity. Although it never got to release a single film, its existence shows how Disney tried to maintain control over Pixar’s property during a difficult time. It also highlights how the animation world can change quickly when companies merge or make new deals.
Q: What was Circle Seven Animation?
A: Circle Seven Animation was a short-lived studio created by Disney to work on sequels for Pixar films after Disney’s distribution deal with Pixar ended.
Q: Why did Circle Seven Animation close?
A: Disney bought Pixar in 2006, and as a result, Circle Seven Animation was shut down, and its projects were canceled.
Q: What movies did Circle Seven Animation work on?
A: Circle Seven worked on sequels for Toy Story 3, Monsters, Inc. 2, and Finding Nemo 2, but none of these films were ever released.
Q: What happened to the Circle Seven Animation projects?
A: After Disney acquired Pixar, Circle Seven’s projects were canceled, and Pixar took over the rights to the films.
Q: Was Circle Seven Animation successful?
A: No, Circle Seven Animation was not successful. It existed for a short time and never released any films before being shut down.